
Word Vomit

What's up Wasatch!

After leaving Tuolumne I headed straight for Truckee for a much needed rest day. This entailed lots of napping and delicious burritos.

I got a later than expected departure for Salt Lake but had plans to sleep there anyways. Driving through the storm of the century kept things interesting. It was nice to make it to my planned bivy spot right as it got dark. I pulled the privacy curtain across and immediately passed out.

I had a slow morning but finally got moving and stoked to run in the Wasatch after two lazy days of little activity. I navigated my way to Timpanogos Peak which I had researched online very briefly a few weeks ago. I vaguely remember it being a short distance 10 miles round trip or less... What I came to discover was that I was very wrong. It was a much longer run but the views were spectacular I didn't really care. The weather rolled in like it always does and rain most of the way down in my rain jacket.

A short stay in Salt Lake but always beautiful but now it was time for Colorado!